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Henry Hill autograph

Lot #460 in Auction #2108, SKU: 0001291549

This item appeared in our autograph auction and bidding has ended.

Henry Hill autograph
(1943-2012) American mobster who was associated with the Lucchese crime family of New York City from 1955 until 1980, when he was arrested on narcotics charges and became an FBI informant. He testified against his former Mafia associates, resulting in 50 convictions. His life story was depicted in the critically acclaimed 1990 film, 'Goodfellas'. This item is a signed 8.5x11 form letter that was sent to people that purchased his artwork. , SKU: 0001291549
High Bid: $20.00
# Bids: 1
Bidder Bid Bid Date
10200 $20.00 10/14/2023 12:00:00 PM
History does not include multiple bids by the same bidder.
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