A: Yes, we currently offer several different auctions: Original, Value, Daily and Signature Pieces. Each auction is a collection of lots that have the exact same end date. This means that all auctions won from the same auction are combined into a single invoice.
A: First you need a bidder number. If you are an Autograph World customer, you already have one. You can verify this on the bidder number lookup page.
If you don't have a bidder number, you can fill out our on-line registration form. This process requires that you supply a credit card. When the auction completes, your winnings are automatically charged and shipped.
A: Yes. When your maximum bid is exceeded, you will receive an e-mail telling you the new current high bid. Although our system provides this functionality, it is best to check the on-line listings to be absolutely sure. While e-mail is a great tool, it isn't always 100% reliable.
It should also be noted that each auction has the ability to enable or disable a variety of e-mail notifications. When logged in, you can see this option at the top of every auction gallery.
A: Yes. Once the auction is over, you will be sent an e-mail detailing the lots you won and their shipped total. If you are paying by credit card, your card will be debited and your winnings shipped.
A: We normally ship auction winnings for credit card payers within one mailing day of the auction close date. If the auction ends on a holiday weekend shipment may be delayed.